Chapter Distinction Award
This report is sometimes called the “Points Tracker.” It is a valuable tool for chapters to use as a reminder and checklist for required reports, including when those reports are due. Some of the reports are necessary to ensure our compliance with the IRS. Some are a way to measure if chapters are healthy and active. International awards Pearls to recognize chapters for completion of the most important reports.
AΔK International awards Pearls, Florida uses a point system. There are 7 Pearls available each year, which may be changed from year to year. Additionally, the Florida Executive Board recognizes the effort it takes to complete all the items on the list. Those chapters that rise to the challenge are honored as a gold, silver, or bronze chapter.
All chapters are encouraged to participate. As you complete the items on the list by submitting a report, attending a meeting, or participating in an altruistic activity just check it off and record the date! At the end of the year, the Chapter President signs the list and sends it to the FL State Secretary. It should be postmarked or timestamped by the deadline to receive ten (10) bonus points per year!
The checklist is in two formats. The Word document is a fillable form and the PDF form is for printing and written recording.
The Chapter of Distinction Awards will be presented at the State Convention. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me or another State Board Member!
Audrey Reali, FL Secretary
727-743-3158 call or text
Helpful Details for the Chapter of Distinction Checklist
All Points are Awarded Based upon Deadline
Forms and Reports:
End of Year Reflection is submitted online with International.
Update of Chapter Officers and Committee Chairs to FL President. Email is best.
H-114 the Annual Chapter Highlights is submitted to International online.
Chapter Budget the Annual Chapter Budget submitted to FL Treasurer. Email is best.
Cashflow is submitted online with International.
Chapter Needs Assessment (CNA) is submitted online to International.
IRS Form 990-EZ or 990-N Postcard is filed directly with the IRS and protects our tax status. Confirmation receipt from IRS must be sent to FL treasurer by email.
Altruistic Report is submitted online with International.
Bylaws are sent to the Sate Bylaws Chairman.
Chapter History is a two-page report that is sent to State Historian for the Archives.
Altruistic Participation:
Scholarship House, FLAPPA Scholarship, M. Sharp Textbooks: Chapters may make donations by a check directly to the FL Treasurer or through donations at State Leadership Meetings for these ongoing altruistic projects.
President Elect Project: chapters must submit documentation to the FL PresidentElect each year of biennium. Email photos or summary.
Longest Day: chapter participates in the Alzheimer’s Association annual fundraiser.
District Meetings, Florida State Convention, Gulf Regional Conference, International Convention: points are awarded per Chapter for sending at least one representative. Point values are the same regardless of the number of attendees for these meetings. District meeting points are limited to three (3) meetings per biennium.
State Leadership Meetings:
Points are awarded per Chapter for sending at least one representative to both Fall and Spring meetings. Forty (40) points possible per year.
First-Timer – Ten (10) points for each member attending a State Leadership meeting for the first time EVER.
Officer Training: points awarded for each officer who attends the provided training. Maximum of eighty (80) points.
AT A GLANCE – Who Gets What!
President, Caroline Gilmore- Ccg1484@gmail.com
Monthly Communication/Newsletters
Updated Chapter Officers
PCCP, Debbie King- debking@bellsouth.net
Minutes of Chapter Meetings •
Treasurer, Missy Decker State- doodlebug74@comcast.net
dues with copy of chapter roster
Confirmation of 990N filed
Secretary, Audrey Reali- adkaudreyreali@gmail.com
Chapter Distinction Checklist (Points Tracker) Years 1 & 2
Historian, Debbie Garrison- ADKDebbiegarrison@gmail.com
Chapter History